Sherwoodbase Start Over…. Again!

This site is all about anything that is happening on Sherwood Way, my home.

First post of this new ‘another’ wordpress blog is to talk about my plan of this new site and the coming business. I also should provide a high level of business plan which I hope it can run successfully as an autopilot business in the near future.

First, let’s do a wrap up, and set a flag as fresh start!

1. My old website that were promoting my two old crappy iOS app:

– In the near future, I think I should update my developer license and let those two apps put back on the store. And I should begin to look for / work for another new application.

– However, I may move this domain from my old host (goDaddy) to my new host (Arvixe). Arvixe supports up to 6 domains and this .biz one is so far the only one that I’ve been using.

2. My another super old and forgettable WP blog:

– This is an old time blog that I was thinking to share my experience of using Chef on Windows, which was considerate relatively new and kind of ‘not easy’ to support stage. Apparently I don’t need those knowledge since I move on to my current job about 15 months ago.

– I may should also move everything to here but it also depends on whether it is still worthy.

3. I was looking for a way to diversify or open more stream of income for years. I tried to develop iOS app but it was not easy, although it helps me getting the Mango Health part time for a good year of bonus cash. I also tried to study unity , spirit, which I found they are also very difficult for me to learn since I don’t have much background on graphic or animation. I have a good friend still working very hard on that , I hope I can back to the team once this new biz is set up.

– So here we are, a new beginning as point 3 mentioned, I want to see if there’s a way out by doing my own business and blog. I am already looking and shopping the niche and goods, followed by also setting up this site and expecting to get good SEO and traffic initiatives to get paid by those affiliation program. Anyway, that’s it for now.



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