How The Drought Is Affecting The Avian Species In The United States?

Aljazeera had published a report, ‘Drought threatens California wildlife’, in which specific threats were brought to light. California has been suffering from one of the worst droughts in recorded history. Fisheries have dried up. Animals have started to migrate and they are desperate for some water sources and food. Wildlife experts have stated that several […]

Here comes the surprise…

Few days ago, I moved the bird feeder from upstairs to another window that is above my balcony. It is not only easier to install and refill the seeds, but also it provides another nice angle to watch the birds. I found they visit the feeder more often and they began a referral program! Here […]

Establishing the new Sherwoodbase

It may be a little bit going too far but here I would like to talk about setting up the store on this site. So far on the August, I have stocked up some Funko Pop! of Frozen Figures and also some very nice hair accessories. Although not everything is going as smooth as I expected, […]

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